Hace unos años, creo recordar que fue allá por 2012, a través de un amigo de un país del este, alguien quiso ponerse en contacto conmigo para hacerme una consulta fotográfica. Se trataba de una joven que estudiaba fotografía en un país de la ex Unión soviética. Admito que me resultó sorprendente.
Era una pregunta sencilla sobre la iluminación de unos bodegones de botellas de vino y licores. El tema no es fácil, todo profesional lo sabe, y la dificultad crece a medida que tus aspiraciones son más refinadas. Aconsejé lo mejor que pude a través del teléfono y parece que el tema se solucionó
Several years ago –I seem to recollect that it was back in 2012, through a friend from an Eastern European country– somebody wanted to get in touch with me to have a photographic consultation. It was a young lady who was studying photography in a country that was in the former Soviet Union. I have to say, I found it surprising.
It was a simple question about the lighting of a still life of wine and spirit bottles. It is not a simple subject, as every professional knows, and the difficulty increases as your aspirations become more refined. I advised her the best I could over the telephone and it seemed that the issue had been resolved.
Para ayudarse económicamente a pagar los estudios, la aprendiz de fotógrafo aceptaba trabajos que le ofrecían, y que realizaba con los escasos medios técnicos de que disponía. Visto su interés le ofrecimos la posibilidad de visitar mi taller durante unos días y desarrollar algún ejercicio que pudiera servirle de experiencia. Aunque hace años que abandoné la fotografía comercial, mi obra personal me hace disponer de los medios para poder explicar ciertas cosas a alguien que demuestra el interés que mostró mi amiga estudiante, que es capaz de llamarte desde miles de kilómetros para hacerte una pregunta sobre técnica fotográfica. Pensé que se lo había ganado.
In order to support herself financially to pay for her education, the photographer’s apprentice accepted any jobs she was offered and she completed them with the scant technical resources she had available. Given her interest, we offered her the opportunity to visit my workshop for a few days and work on some task that could serve as hands-on experience for her. Even though I gave up commercial photography years ago, my personal work provides me with the means to be able to explain certain things to someone who shows the interest my student friend showed –a person who is capable of calling you from thousands of kilometres away to ask you a question about photographic technique–. I felt she had earnt it.
Pasado el tiempo seguimos sabiendo de su progresión y estudios a través del amigo común. Sus estudios iban bien y se acercaba al final de su carrera. Tomamos interés en que pudiera proseguir hacia la dirección de cine, que era lo que le gustaba. Buscamos ayudas y becas a las que pudiera acceder dentro de la Unión Europea e hicimos que le llegara esa información. A estas alturas hablábamos con sus padres frecuentemente.
As time went by, we continued to receive news of her studies and progress via our friend in common. Her course was going well and she was coming to the end of her university degree. We became interested in the idea that she could pursue a career as a film director, which is what she liked doing. We searched for grants and other financial sponsorship which she could apply for from within the European Union and we provided her with this information. By this time, we spoke with her parents frequently.
Un día supimos que mi obra le atraía especialmente y quería filmar un largometraje sobre ella, una especie de documental sobre mis fotos. Nos visitó e hicimos los planes necesarios. Le expliqué mi proceso saciando su curiosidad –que no era poca–, tanto como pude. Filmó las generalidades y pronto se concentró en aquellas partes que le atraían más.
One day, we found out that she was especially interested in my work and wanted to make a full-length film about it –a kind of documentary about my photos–. She visited us and we drew up the necessary plans. I explained my technique to her, satisfying her curiosity –which was endless– as much as I could. She filmed the general principles and soon focussed on the aspects which most interested her.
Cada día venía con el guión que había previsto, preguntaba por localizaciones, técnicas de todo tipo, mi inspiración, sentimientos, guiones y matices. Fue un análisis a fondo, tanto que no sé si me filmó o me examinó.
Each day, she came with the script she had in mind, she asked about locations, all manner of techniques, what inspired me, feelings, scripts and hues. It was an in-depth analysis – so much so that I am not sure if she filmed me or examined me.
Durante varios días le dediqué el tiempo que me pidió, sorprendido por el rigor con que me dirigía, sus exigencias de repeticiones, de mi expresividad al vocalizar y encantado con la concentración que me mostraba.
For several days, I gave her all the time she required of me, surprised by the rigour with which she directed me, her insistence on repeating scenes, my expressiveness when speaking, and delighted with the concentration she showed.
Disfruté viendo crecer en alguien que estaba madurando el empuje interior que te lleva a conseguir tus objetivos. Mi joven amiga mostraba una fuerza, control, determinación y concentración poco comunes. Hablaba varios idiomas y su curiosidad e inteligencia estaban por encima de lo normal.
I enjoyed seeing the inner impetus growing within a person who is maturing and which is the thing that leads you to achieve your objectives. My young friend showed an inner strength, self-control, determination and power of concentration that were unusual. She spoke several languages and her curiosity and intelligence stood out from the crowds.
Sus estudios y las exigencias de la beca la llevaron a Portugal, volvió a vernos, fue a Letonia, a Belgica, regresó de nuevo, siguió con sus estudios, pero no dejamos de saber de ella gracias al contacto que teníamos con sus padres.
Her studies and the requirements of her grant took her to Portugal, she came back to see us, went to Latvia, then to Belgium, came back again, continued with her studies, but we never stopped receiving news about her thanks to our being in contact with her parents.
Decidió añadir mi voz en off en alguna parte del documental y vino en octubre de 2020 a grabar esos momentos.
Noté un salto importante en su capacidad profesional, su seguridad al dirigirme era aún más evidente y me impresionó. La forma de buscar la expresividad, el tono, los énfasis en el relato era muy madura. Cambiamos hasta el idioma de la entrevista. Terminamos grabando dentro de la nevera industrial de mi taller, donde guardo las colecciones. No hará falta decir que se apagó la nevera para la grabación…
She decided to do the voiceover for some parts of the documentary and she came in October, 2020 to record those sections.
I noticed a marked improvement in her professional ability, her confidence with regard to directing me was even more evident and I was impressed. Her way of finding expressiveness, tone and the emphasis of the story was very mature. We even changed the interview language. We wound up the filming in the industrial fridge at my studio, where I store my collections. It must go without saying that the fridge was turned off for the recording…
Su largometraje sobre mi obra pareció concluido para comenzar a montar en cuanto sus obligaciones con la carrera, que ya estaba terminando, se lo permitieran. Y volvió a Belgica.
En su país de origen solicitó la entrada en la asociación de artistas fotógrafos, donde consideraron que era muy joven y con poca experiencia, así que denegaron la solicitud.
Her film about my work seemed to be complete so she could edit it for her degree requirements, which she had already finished, they allowed her to do this. And then she returned to Belgium.
She applied to join the artistic photographer’s association in her home country, but they considered her to be very young and lacking in experience, so her application was turned down.
Mientras tanto decidió hacer un cortometraje sobre determinados recuerdos perturbadores de su niñez. Había sido víctima de abusos sexuales por parte de un familiar y decidió llevar adelante un proyecto contando esas vivencias con el lenguaje que ahora dominaba. Preparó el guión, lo filmó, lo montó y decidió sacarlo a pasear por el mundo. Dadas las circunstancias no se puede decir que haya tenido todo el apoyo del conjunto de su familia. Eran los trapos sucios, y la ropa se lava en casa para que todo parezca seguir una normalidad que no fue exactamente así; al menos para ella. A su decisión se le llama “determinación” y fuerza interior también.
In the meantime, she decided to make a short film about certain disturbing memories from her childhood. She had been sexually abused by a relative and decided to go through with a project where she recounted these experiences in the language she had now mastered. She put together the script, filmed it, edited it and decided to put it out into the world. Given the context, it can’t be said that she has had the full support of her family. It was dirty laundry being aired, and it is quite natural to ‘keep it in the family’ so that everything appears to have been normal from the outside, even if that wasn’t the case – at least for her. Her decision is called ‘determination’, and also, inner strength.
La película se titula «Mi tío Tudor».
Mi joven amiga se llama Olga Lucovnicova.
Esta película acaba de ganar el premio Oso de oro del Festival de Cine de Berlín 2021, como mejor cortometraje. Algo extraordinario a todas luces. A eso se le llama empezar con buen pie, pero nadie se lo ha regalado, al contrario, se lo merece por muchos motivos técnicos y personales. No hay más que añadir.
The film is called ‘Nanu Tudor’ (‘Uncle Tudor’/’The Tudor Uncle’) (Mi tio Tudor)
My young friend is called Olga Lucovnicova.
This film has just won the Golden Bear Award at the 2021 Berlin Film Festival for the best short film category. Something extraordinary by any reckoning. This is what’s called starting off on a good footing, but no-one has awarded it to her for nothing – quite the opposite, she deserves it for a multitude of technical and personal reasons. No more need be said.
Y yo, admirada Olga Lucovnicova, deseo que bebas esta satisfacción hasta la última gota.
Pero este cohete solo acaba de arrancar motores. No es algo que crea, es algo que sé. Tienes lo que hace falta para llenarnos de buenas cosas en el futuro.
Celebraré este triunfo con tus padres hasta que podamos hacerlo todos juntos.
No puedo estar más feliz.
Felicitări, Olga. Înainte!
And I, esteemed Olga Lucovnicova, hope you drink deep from the satisfaction of this to the very last drop.
However, this rocket has only just launched. That isn’t something I think, it is something I know. You have what is needed to regale us with great things in the future.
I will celebrate this triumph with your parents until the moment we can all celebrate it together.
I couldn’t be happier.
Felicitări, Olga. Înainte!